1. Train in values, with solidity, solvency and heart, in the profession of cultural management to those people who want to develop their current or future career in the field of management of entities, companies and projects that form the value chain of the cultural, artistic and creative sector .
  2. Develop a learning methodology based on an approach eminently focused on strategic management and its application in day-to-day management (“hands on”). The purpose is for the participants to acquire the knowledge to fulfill the mission by making their cultural projects viable efficiently, achieving their objectives of activity, quality, income and stakeholders.
  3. Offer 600-hour training (60 ECTS) divided equally between classes and individual work, organized by the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC), an educational entity with a long history and recognized prestige, which has the recognition and support of the main contracting entities of the sector, and in permanent communication with them.
  4. Train professionals in values such as excellence; individual and social responsibility; and professional ethics.
  5. Constitute a competitive training offer in local and foreign markets, preparing professionals for global competence and employability.
Of the participants who complete the Arts MBA It is expected that in the medium term they will contribute to a certain degree to the improvement in the following aspects:
  1. The viability of cultural and creative entities and projects, developing its mission, attracting users and strengthening itself financially through the commercialization of its activity, thus aspiring to reduce or eliminate the percentage of public financing sources in the budget of the cultural entity in the interest of greater creative independence.
  2. Greater social relevance of culture: more offer (proposals), greater number of creator(s) (professionalization) and users (user citizenship of the different artistic expressions).
  3. The increase in people whose main source of income is related to some activity in the cultural value chain: creators, performers, technicians, managers, auxiliary personnel, distributors, representatives, promoters, exhibitors, managers, consumer associations and clubs, etc. In short, help professionalize the sector.
  4. Favor the induced effects of culture, the arts and creative industries in general on other vital industries for the economy of the archipelago, such as tourism, transportation, rental (of spaces, equipment or infrastructure, among other services), event organizers, ... thus contributing to its differentiation and diversification.
In summary, the Arts MBA aims to offer and consolidate a unique training offer in the Canary Islands that:
  • provides participants with training that improves their management skills and abilities in order to achieve objectives and efficient administration of resources.
  • trains professionals in values and social responsibility.
  • contributes to greater professionalization, consolidation and sustainability of the cultural, artistic and creative sector.

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