The methodology It is based on the professional practice and teaching experience of the teaching staff, placing special emphasis on:

  1. The presentation of concepts and theoretical frameworks aimed at:

– Develop the ability to lead cultural organizations

– Critically analyze the reality of these and their environment

– Efficient decision making

2. The comparative analysis of the main keys of real cases. The case studies to be analyzed throughout the course are selected based on the following criteria:

– Cases from a local, national and international geographic area

– Comparison between cultural realities

– Learning derived from successes and “failures”

3. Their representativeness as competitive models from the field of arts, culture and creative industries.

4. The teaching approach It is eminently practical and experiential (knowledge beyond the classroom). In this sense, field visits (carried out by those responsible for managing cultural facilities and projects and which require in-depth prior preparation) and presentations by their protagonists of reference projects take on special relevance.

On the other hand, from the point of view of the participants, the methodological approach takes into account and adapts to their interests, either to:

– Professional improvement (kaizen)    

– Entrepreneurship (from vocation to profession in a viable way)

– Professional guidance

– Combinations of the above

Definitely, the contents of the program are based on a knowledge of what the artistic, cultural and creative market demands at work. This increases the chances of success regarding the professional insertion, development and promotion of the participants.

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