
In order to pre-register it is necessary:

  • Possess a university degree.
  • Possess professional experience with at least three years of accredited experience in the artistic, cultural or creative sector.


The price of the Arts MBA depends on the admission formalization period:

  • Registration until September 30, 2024: €4,000.0.
  • Registration from October 1 to 27, 2024: €4,500.0.

Tuition payment facilities

The Arts MBA offers facilities for payment of registration fees in up to three installments. Contact us for discover more.


  • Carolina Foundation: Latin American and Portuguese students. Here.
  • FormARTE: training and specialization in matters within the competence of the cultural institutions dependent on the Ministry of Culture and Sports. Here.

Registration process

  1. You: you register as ULPGC user.
  2. You: complete the pre-registration process. It is very important that you present documentation justifying the requirements
  3. We: we evaluate your candidacy.
  4. us: we inform you of our decision.
  5. You: formalize the registration by making the payment. You are now part of the Arts MBA. University Master's Degree in Cultural, Artistic and Creative Management from the ULPGC!

Entities that support us